Current Designation
Assistant Professor
Department & Institution
Department of Materials Science & Engineering,
Chosun University
About the Speaker
Tae-Sik Jang is an Assistant Professor in Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Chosun University. Prior to being appointed as a full time faculty member in 2020, he worked as a research professor at Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center. From 2017 to 2018, he also worked as a research fellow in School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering at Nanyang Technological University.
Prof. Jang maintains research activities focused on surface nanoarchitectures of dental implants; advanced additive manufacturing technology for developing customized biomedical implants; inorganic-organic hybrid materials for tissue regeneration; biodegradable tissue scaffolds. He has published articles in the Advanced Functional Materials, Bioactive Materials, Biomaterials, Advanced Sciences, Additive Manufacturing, Biofabrication, and International Journal of Bioprinting.
Current Designation
Assistant Professor
Department & Institution
Biomedical Engineering, NUS
About the Speaker
Dr Eliza Fong received her B.Eng. in Bioengineering from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and completed her Ph.D. at Rice University in Houston, Texas, under the NUS-Overseas Graduate Scholarship. While at Rice, she was also a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) fellow under the prestigious Med-into-Grad program in Translational Cancer Diagnostics and Therapeutics at the University or Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. She subsequently completed her post-doctoral training back at NUS and received the NUS-Early Career Award in 2017. Dr. Fong has made key contributions in the field of translational tumor engineering by being one or the first to demonstrate the integration or organoid technologies with biomaterials-based strategies to better model patient tumors in vitro. Most recently she was awarded the NMRC Open-Fund Individual Research Grant to develop platforms to maintain patient-derived tumor explants ex vivo for personalized drug testing.
Department & Institution
Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne
About the Speaker
Dr Rita Hardiman is a learning and teaching specialist at the Melbourne Dental School. She leads the education programs in anatomy (head/neck and oral) for undergraduate and graduate students. Dr Hardiman's educational interest is the use of 3D imaging and modelling technologies to enhance object-based learning in anatomy. Dr Hardiman uses virtual models and 3D printed models created from authentic anatomical specimens to create flexible and student-focussed learning and teaching activities. Virtual models created as part of Dr Hardiman's work have been adopted in a diverse range of educational programs internationally (including outside dentistry and oral health).
Dr Hardiman's research in mineralised tissues interconnects with her teaching and learning initiatives to support innovations in dental education.
Current Designation
Dean and Professor, School of Dentistry
Department & Institution
Department of Community and International Health, Tohoku University
About the Speaker
Professor Osaka has been conducting epidemiological research and engaging in policy-making activities on well-being with regard to oral health, the association between oral health and other systemic diseases, and health and care systems. His research utilizes "Real World Data" and "Large-scale Cohort study." He has also served as an expert in national measures for COVID-19, including the development of guidelines. Additionally, he holds positions as a professor at the International Research Institute of Disaster Sciences (IRIDeS), the Smart Aging Research Organization (S.A.R.O.), and the Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization (ToMMo), all of which are part of Tohoku University. Furthermore, he has been a member of the Social Security Council and has worked as an expert drafting member on foodborne diseases in the joint program of microbiological risk assessment of WHO/FAO from 1998 to 2002.
Current Designation
Lecturer of Dental Therapeutics
Department & Institution
Melbourne Dental School, The University of Melbourne
About the Speaker
Dr Leanne Teoh is a dentist and registered pharmacist, Lecturer of Dental Therapeutics and an early career postdoctoral researcher at the Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne. Her research interest is on various aspects of medicine use in dentistry and dental prescribing practices, with a focus on dental antibiotic and opioid stewardship. She is a lecturer and coordinator for the Dental Therapeutics program for the Doctor of Dental Surgery and Bachelor of Oral Hygiene courses at the University of Melbourne.
She co-authored the Australian national dental prescribing guidelines, Therapeutic Guidelines Oral and Dental Version 2, is on the editorial board for the journal BMC Oral Health, and is Vice President of the Australian Dental Association Therapeutics Committee.
As an invited speaker, Leanne has presented both locally and internationally in various forums, including the Australian Government Therapeutic Goods Administration, FDI World Dental Federation and International Association for Dental Research. She has also been a guest on the "Dental Central" and "Purple Pen" podcasts, highlighting the use of therapeutics in dental practice.
Leanne has received several awards and scholarships, including the Rowden White Scholarship, International College of Dentists Community Oral Health Award for 2018, and the Ernest Joske Award in 2020 at Melbourne Dental School for research impact and publications. She is a founding member of the Global Antimicrobial Resistance Dental Network for the FDI World Dental Federation.
Current Designation
Assistant Professor
Department & Institution
Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
About the Speaker
Nareudee Limpuangthip completed her PhD program in 2018 and has been serving as an academic staff member at the Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University since then. From December 2019 to November 2021, she held the position of secretary for the IADR-SEA (International Association for Dental Research - Southeast Asia division) and currently serves as a council member of the organization. In 2022, she was honoured with the IADR-SEA Young Investigator Research Award as well as the Young Investigator Research Award (Health Science category) from Chulalongkorn University.
Her research interests primarily revolve around prosthodontic treatment strategies and options, dental materials, and exploring the connection between oral health and general health. Through her work, she aims to enhance the accessibility of oral care, improve oral health outcomes, and enhance overall quality of life.
Current Designation
Assistant Professor
Department & Institution
Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore
About the Speaker
Dr.Nileshkumar Dubey is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore (NUS). He earned his Bachelor of Dentistry from Maharashtra University of Health Sciences and PhD in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine from NUS. In 2021, he received Interstellar Initiative Award by the New York Academy of Sciences and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development that recognizes and connects the world's most promising Early Career Investigators. His research group use biofabrication technologies (3D printing and Electrospinning) to fabricate personalized mineralized scaffolds and tissue, with the long-term goal of translating biomaterials and tissue into clinical use.
Current Designation
Director of International
Head of Prosthodontics
Department & Institution
Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne
About the Speaker
Roy is an Associate Professor at the Melbourne Dental School. His current roles at the school include.
• Head of Prosthodontics
• Director of International
Roy has spoken throughout Australia and overseas in regards to provision of implant dentistry, implant complications and the mechanical properties of bone around implants and teeth. His PhD was related to this research topic and has flowed on to several research projects carried out by graduate diploma, DCD, MPhil, MSc and PhD students.
Roy is the chief investigator for the eviDent practice based research project entitled "Implant Complications in Practice". This research project has gained support from external societies namely the Australian Prosthodontic Society, The Australian Osseointegration Society and the Australian Periodontal Society. Several papers have been published from this research project in national and international peer reviewed papers
Roy is the research lead for the new dental implant being developed at the University of Melbourne, he maintains a part time specialist referral practice in Northwest Melbourne.
Current Designation
Professor of Periodontology
Department & Institution
Dep. Of Dental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet
About the Speaker
Anders Gustafsson is a professor of Periodontology at the department of Dental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet. Gustafsson earned his dental and doctoral degrees at Karolinska Institutet. In 2005, he was appointed Professor of Periodontology and became head of the unit for Periodontology and Dental Hygiene. He has authored >115 articles within the fields of periodontology and inflammation. Gustafsson's main research focus is on the pathogenesis of periodontitis and the association between periodontitis and systemic diseases, primarily cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Gustafsson has been teaching undergraduate students on the dentist and dental hygiene programs for more than 30 years. He has supervised a large number of undergraduate, master and PhD students.
Current Designation
Head of School
Department & Institution
Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne
About the Speaker
Alastair Sloan is Professor of Tissue Engineering and Dental Biology and the current Head of School (Dean) of Melbourne Dental School. An applied bioscientist, he obtained his BSc in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Wales in 1993 and his PhD in Oral Biology and Pathology from Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at The University of Birmingham, UK in 1997. He was Head of the Department of Oral and Biomedical Sciences at the School of Dentistry between 2010-2015, Director of International (2012-2015) and Director of Research (2015-2017). Between 2015-2017 he was Director of the Cardiff Institute for Tissue Engineering and Repair (CITER), a cross-University research centre. He was appointed Dean of the School of Dentistry at Cardiff University in 2017, a post which he held until January 2020 when he relocated to The University of Melbourne. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (FRSB). In 2020 he was elected Honorary Fellow of the International College of Dentists (FICD) and in 2022 was awarded an Ad Eundem Fellowship of the Faculty of Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (FFDRCSI). As an active educator, Alastair has developed curricula and programmes for BDS and BSc degree programmes alongside MSc programmes in tissue engineering. He developed and took through validation the MSc in Oral Biology at Cardiff University and has acted as external examiner for numerous Faculties and Schools globally. As a researcher he has been awarded in excess of AUD$10M of external grant funding and published over 90 peer reviewed papers. He currently sits as a research funding panel member for the EU (Eureka Eurostars panel) and Research Foundation Flanders Med-8 Panel having previously been a member of the UK NC3Rs grant assessment panel. He chairs the Nominations Committee of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) and is a Past President of the Pulp Biology and Regeneration Group of the IADR. In 2022 he was awarded the IADR Distinguished Scientist Award, The Isaac Schour Memorial Award, for his research in anatomical sciences and tissue engineering.
Current Designation
Clinical Professor, Associate Dean for Research &Innovation;
Department & Institution
Faculty of Dentistry The University of Hong Kong
About the Speaker
Dr. Chengfei Zhang is a clinical professor in Endodontics, Associate Dean for Research and Innovation, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong (HKU). He serves as an editorial board member for International Endodontic Journal, International Dental Journal, and Bioengineering. He obtained his DDS and his Ph.D. degree from Peking University. He joined the Faculty of Dentistry HKU in 2009. His innovative research activities are internationally recognized, and he was awarded the IADR William J Gies Award for Biomaterials and Bioengineering Research, the Journal of Endodontics award for best paper, and the IADR distinguished scientist. His research in endodontic etiopathogenesis and pulp regeneration has been funded by Hong Kong RGC and Chinese mainland funding. He has lectured on many occasions nationally and internationally, particularly in IADR/AADR and IADR-SEA meetings, and published over 200 journal papers/book chapters.
Current Designation
Professor and Chair, Division of Molecular and Regenerative Prosthodontics
Director, Center for Advanced Stem Cell and Regenerative Research
Director, Liaison Center for Innovative Dentistry
General Vice-Director (Head of Dental Division), Tohoku University Hospital
Department & Institution
Division of Molecular and Regenerative Prosthodontics
Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry
About the Speaker
Professor Hiroshi Egusa is the Director of the Center for Advanced Stem Cell and Regenerative Research, Director of the Liaison Center for Innovative Dentistry at Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, and the General Vice Director (Head of Dental Division) of Tohoku University Hospital. He received his DDS (1998) and PhD (2002) degrees from Hiroshima University, and worked as Research Assistant in the Department of Oral Microbiology at the University of Hong Kong in 1999. He was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship by the Japanese government for regenerative medicine research at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2002-2004. In 2004, he became Assistant Professor in the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics at Osaka University. In 2014, he was appointed as Professor and Chair in the Division of Molecular and Regenerative Prosthodontics at Tohoku University. He is a board-certified prosthodontist and Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists (FRCPath). He is currently serving as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Prosthodontic Research (2021 Impact Factor: 4.338). He has received several international awards, including 1st place for the IADR Edward Hatton Award (2002), Winner for the IADR Arthur Frechette Award (2004), and the IADR Distinguished Scientist Award (Young Investigator Award: 2012). Professor Egusa was identified as a Top 2% Scientist from 2020 in the world scientist ranking in a global survey by Stanford University, USA.
Current Designation
Associate Professor, School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Associate Dean (Global Partnerships), Graduate College
Nanyang Technological University
About the Speaker
Sierin Lim is an Associate Professor of Bioengineering at the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU). Her research group focuses on the design and engineering of hybrid nano/microscale devices from biological parts for applications in health and the environment. Specifically, her Bioengineered and Applied Nanomaterials Lab (BeANs Lab) uses protein cages as the building blocks and a platform for formulation and delivery of active molecules to the skin. Her lab also explores the utility of protein cages to enhance contrast in imaging atherosclerotic plaques. In her Molecular & Cellular Bioengineering Lab (MCBe Lab), she leads a program in engineering PETase to up-cycle plastic waste to oil, cellulose, and cannabinoids using cyanobacteria, cellulose bacteria, and yeast.
She is currently serving as the Associate Dean of Global Partnerships at the NTU Graduate College. She earned her B.S. in Chemical Engineering and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).
Current Designation
Associate Dean in Research Affairs
Department & Institution
Dental Stem Cell Biology Research Unit, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
About the Speaker
Professor Osathanon earned his bachelor's degree Doctor of Dental Surgery from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, and further his graduated study Doctor of Philosophy in Oral Biology from the University of Washington, USA. He formerly served as Director of the Oral Biology Research Center, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University. Currently, Professor Osathanon is an Associate Dean in Research Affairs and Deputy Director of CU Dental Innovation Center at the Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. He is also a chair of the Dental Stem Cell Biology Research Unit. He served as the Senior Expert at the Center for Dental Competency Assessment and Accreditation, the Dental Council of Thailand, and the Chair of the Biomedical and Dental Science Examination Development Committee, the Dental Council of Thailand. He published more than 100 publications with numerous international collaborations. His research interests are 1) intracellular pathways modulated stem cell function; 2) mechanical force and osteogenic differentiation; and 3) biomaterials and dentin/dental pulp regeneration.
Current Designation
Assistant Professor
Department & Institution
Applied Oral Sciences & Community Dental Care
Faculty of Dentistry
The University of Hong Kong
About the Speaker
Dr. Waruna Dissanayaka is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong. His research is focused on enhancing post-implantation stem cell survival and vascularization during tissue regeneration, understanding the molecular mechanisms behind the dental stem cells; intercellular cross-talk, and lineage-specific differentiation of dental stem cells into odonto/osteoblasts and endothelial cells. His doctoral research work on scaffold-free microtissue spheroids in dental pulp regeneration was awarded IADR William J Gies Award for Biomaterials and Bioengineering Research (2016) and the Journal of Endodontics award for the Best Paper in Basic Science: Biology (2016). In 2020, he received the IADR Centennial Emerging Leaders Award for his achievements and potential in the advancement of dental, oral, and craniofacial research. He has published over 45 scientific papers and is an editorial board member for Clinical Oral Investigations and BMC Oral Health.
Current Designation
Associate Professor
Department & Institution
School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University
About the Speaker
Domenico Campolo is currently Associate Professor at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Director of the Robotics Research Centre, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. He received his Laurea Degree (1998) in Electronics Engineering from the University of Pisa, Italy, his Diploma Degree (1999) in Engineering and his PhD (2002) in Micro-Engineering from Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa. In 2000-2003, he was at UC Berkeley (USA). In 2003-2009, he worked at Campus Bio-Medico University in Rome (Italy). In 2009, he joined NTU as Assistant Professor.
His research interests hinge around the understanding of the mechanisms behind human and animal skills, also for possible transfer to robotic platforms. To this end, his work has been focusing on the development of Robotic platforms for Neuroscience, especially in relation to the sensorimotor domain and human-robot physical interaction; Mechatronic technologies with application to Neuro-Developmental Engineering; Biomimetic Robotics including development of biologically inspired actuators and sensors. His theoretical investigations to both Robotics and Computational Neuroscience are characterized by a geometric approach.
His scholarly work appeared in peer-reviewed international Journals and Conferences. He is co-inventor in several Technology Disclosures and Patents. He is co-founder of ArtiCares Pte Ltd, an NTU spinoff company focusing on Robotic Technologies for decentralized healthcare, including homes.
Current Designation
Clinical Associate Professor
Department & Institution
Department of Restorative Dentistry, National Dental Centre Singapore
About the Speaker
Clinical Associate Professor Christina Sim is a Senior Consultant at the Prosthodontic Unit, Department of Restorative Dentistry, National Dental Centre Singapore. She graduated with a BDS degree from the National University of Singapore and obtained an MSc degree from the University of London. She received further training in dental implantology and aesthetic dentistry at Loma Linda University under a Ministry of Health Health Manpower Development Plan award. She obtained her PhD degree from the University of Melbourne under a National Medical Research Council Research Training Fellowship.
Currently, she is a Senior Consultant at the Department of Restorative Dentistry, National Dental Centre Singapore and a Clinical Associate Professor at the SingHealth DUKE-NUS Oral Health Academic Clinical Program and at the Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore, involved in the graduate prosthodontics residency program. She is also a Fellow of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore, the Chair of NDCS Clinical Privileging and Competency Committee and a member of the Dental Specialist Accreditation Committee for Prosthodontics. She has been awarded more than $2 million in grant funding for her research. Her research interests include oral health research, particularly in vulnerable groups and artificial intelligence-enabled preventive oral health strategies.
Current Designation
Professor of Oral Microbiology
Department & Institution
Melbourne Dental School, The University of Melbourne
About the Speaker
Stuart Dashper is the Professor of Oral Microbiology and Director of Research in the Melbourne Dental School at the University of Melbourne. He was awarded his PhD in 1991 and is an author on over 120 research publications. The majority of his current research fits under the umbrella of determining the causes of microbiome-mediated oral diseases, particularly periodontal diseases and dental caries. He is particularly interested in the polymicrobial nature of disease and has added to our knowledge of how bacteria interact and cooperate to cause disease. This research has involved the development of novel methodologies for the culture of oral anaerobic bacteria as polymicrobial biofilms. In recent time he has led an Oral Microbiomics Group to apply DNA-based technologies to investigate oral dysbiotic disease. He has contributed to knowledge about the role of oral bacteria in extra-oral disease, notably Alzheimer's disease and rheumatoid arthritis. The long-term aim of his studies is to develop novel strategies for the prevention and treatment of oral and systemic diseases, including the development of novel antimicrobials and vaccine technology. His research has been continuously funded by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council or Medical Research Futures Fund since 1999 and he has received a number of NIH (USA) research grants in addition to the International Association for Dental Research (IADR)-GSK Innovation in Oral Care Award. He is a recipient of The Alan Docking IADR Science Award for outstanding scientific achievement in the field of dental research and was elected as a Fellow of the Australian Society for Microbiology in 2020. He has supervised 17 PhD, 8 Doctor of Clinical Dentistry and 19 BSc(Hons) students to completion.
Current Designation
Associate Professor, Head of Restorative Division, School of Dentistry, International Medical University Kuala Lumpur
Department & Institution
Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, International Medical University Kuala Lumpur.
About the Speaker
Graduated from Baqai Dental College (BDS) Pakistan in 1999 subsequently embarking on a lineup of advanced post graduate qualifications. Dr. Umer Daood holds a Master of Science (MSc) in Oral Sciences and Biomaterials from the National University of Singapore as well as an MSc in Dental Materials from Queen Mary University of London. He obtained his PhD from Prince Philip Dental Hospital at the University of Hong Kong. He is currently enrolled in MSc Molecular Medicine at International Medical University. He is a Member of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College Surgeons (MFDS, RCS Glasgow) and has a Certificate in Periodontology from Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woolich, London.
Special interests: Dental Biomaterials, disinfection in Endodontics, Tissue Engineering of dentine structure and developing new adhesive and esthetic restoration.
Current Designation
Vice-Dean In Charge
Vice-President, Vietnam Odonto-Stomatology Association
Department & Institution
Dental Public Health
Faculty of Odonto-Stomatology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi MInh
About the Speaker
Dr Hoang is the Vice Dean in charge and the Head at the Department of Dental Public Health at the Faculty of Odonto-Stomatology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He is the President Elect of the International Association for Dental Research Southeast Asian Division. He received D.D.S. from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy at HCMC in 1995, finished M.Sc and Ph.D of Odonto-Stomatology in 2003 and 2017 respectively. His major research areas include dental public health, preventive dentistry, dental education and digital dentistry in recent. Dr Hoang has become an invited speaker and received awards at many international dental conferences since 2005, including: the Second Prize of Travel Award from IADR-SEA Division in 2003; "Exellence Poster Award" at Bio-Dental Education & Research in Hiroshima, University of Hiroshima, Japan, 2011; The "Third Prize" for Oral Presentation at the 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the South East Asia Association For Dental Education" at SEAADE in 2019; and the "Best paper for Innovations in Dental Education during the COVID-19" at the SEAADE meeting 2021.
Current Designation
Chair Professor of Dental Public Health
Department & Institution
Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong
About the Speaker
Edward C.M. Lo is currently Chair Professor of Dental Public Health in the Faculty of Dentistry in the University of Hong Kong. He is a past President of the International Association of Dental Research (IADR) Southeast Asian Division and the IADR Asia-Pacific Region, and a past IADR Treasurer. Prof. Lo is the Chairman of the Specialty Board of Community Dentistry of the College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong (CDSHK). His research interest is in oral epidemiology, oral healthcare services and preventive dentistry. He has published over 350 papers in international scientific journals. Prof. Lo has conducted many oral epidemiological surveys on various population groups. Prof. Lo has published extensively on clinical trials using various topical fluoride agents in the prevention of dental caries, and the use of various agents to arrest active decay in the primary teeth of young children and root surface of permanent teeth in older adults. With his outstanding contributions to the field, Prof. Lo was awarded the IADR Distinguished Scientist Award in Geriatric Oral Research in 2016 and also the IADR E.W. Borrow Memorial Award (for research in oral health promotion for children) in 2021.
Current Designation
Director Higher Degree Research, School of Dentistry, The University of Queensland, Australia
Department & Institution
School of Dentistry, The University of Queensland, Australia
About the Speaker
Dr. Jaya Seneviratne is a clinician scientist and academic in the field of Dentistry. Currently, he serves as the Director of Higher Degree Research at the School of Dentistry, The University of Queensland, Australia. Prior to this position, he was the founding leader of the Singapore Oral Microbiomics Initiative at the National Dental Research Institute, Singapore. Dr. Seneviratne is internationally recognized for his research work in dental research, molecular microbiology, and infection control. His research track record includes over 100 publications in reputed international journals (h-index=43, i10-index=83, 5131 citations, Google Scholar), 12 book chapters, and an edited book titled "Microbial Biofilms: OMICS Biology, Antimicrobials, and Clinical Implications," published by Taylor & Francis CRC Press in 2017.
Dr.Seneviratne has successfully secured over US$ 7.11 million from competitive grants for his research and development work. Dr. Seneviratne has also held prestigious international positions, such as the Secretary of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), Asia Pacific Region, and the Chairman of the Session Committee for the 2023 IADR General meeting. Additionally, he is an editorial board member of the Journal of Dental Research and Critical Reviews in Microbiology. Dr. Seneviratne is also an exceptional educator and course leader, earning accolades for his innovative teaching methods. He has supervised both undergraduate and postgraduate students, guiding them towards excellence in their research work. His research mentees have received numerous prestigious awards from IADR.
Department & Institution
Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne/ Australia
About the Speaker
Ankur Singh is an Australian Research Council DECRA Senior Research Fellow with joint appointments between Melbourne School of Population and Global Health and Melbourne Dental School. Ankur has research training in social epidemiology and he applies a range of quantitative skills to quantify the impact of policy interventions on health inequalities.
His research contributions are in the area of population oral health, tobacco control and social determinants of health. Ankur is also an Adjunct Fellow at Public Health Foundation of India and collaborates extensively with colleagues locally and internationally. Ankur is an Associate Editor of the Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology journal and holds leadership positions both within the International Association for Dental Research Global Oral Health Inequalities Research Network and IUHPE.
Current Designation
Vice-Dean of Dentistry (Research) and Program Director of the Department of Orthodontics
Department & Institution
Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Puthisastra, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
About the Speaker
Dr. Marya is currently working as the Vice-Dean of Dentistry (Research) and the Program Director of Orthodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Puthisastra, Phnom Penh. He is also a post-graduate guide and Clinical Professor at International University, Phnom Penh. He graduated from Seema dental college and Hospital, India, and received his specialty orthodontic training in Manila, Philippines. He also took up his Ph.D. at Thammasat University Thailand. He is a member of both the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (MFDS RCPSG) as well as the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh (MFDS RCS Ed) He was also awarded the Fellowship of the faculty of the Royal College of Surgeons, England (FDS RCS England). He has also been awarded multiple fellowships by the Pierre Fauchard Academy (PFA), the International College of dentists (FICD), and the International College of Continuing dental education (FICCDE).
He holds many important positions, such as the Chair of the Pierre Fauchard Academy- Cambodia section and the deputy regent of the International College of Dentists, Cambodia section. He is also serving as a council member of the IADR-SEA division. In November 2022, he was elected as a council member of SEAADE (South-east Asia association for dental education). In May 2023 he was appointed as the International Dental Ambassador of the Royal College of Surgeons-Edinburgh for the South-east Asian region. He has active research interests and has published more than 150 papers in high-impact, peer-reviewed journals. In recognition of his academic achievements, he was appointed as a distinguished adjunct faculty at Saveetha dental college, Chennai which was the top ranked dental school in India in 2021. In the year 2022 he was honoured as an Adjunct Professor and Research Fellow by the University of Airlangga the top ranked dental institution in Indonesia. He is also associated with Kasetsart University, Thailand as an overseas visiting researcher for the year 2023-24. He is also on the Editorial Board of many well- known journals such as PLOS One, BMC Oral Health by Springer Nature and Clinical Case Reports by Wileys.
Current Designation
Department & Institution
Faculty of Dentistry
University of Puthisastra
About the Speaker
Professor Callum Durward has been Dean at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Puthisastra, Cambodia for the past 10 years. He has degrees from New Zealand, Australia and the US. His career has included working in refugee camps, hospitals, school dental services and universities. He is also a part-time specialist in Pediatric Dentistry at the Roomchang Dental Hospital, country representative for the Association of Dental Education for Asia and Pacific (ADEAP), a former Council Member of the Southeast Asian Association of Dental Education (SEAADE), and former country representative for the IADR (SEA). His research interests include dental public health and pediatric dentistry. He is currently an advisor in the Oral Health Bureau of the Ministry of Health, and has been part of the working group developing the Cambodian National Oral Health Action Plan.
Department & Institution
Department of Dentistry and Oral Health, Aarhus University, Denmark
About the Speaker
Rubens Spin-Neto has received a PhD in Periodontology, Sào Paulo State University - UNESP, in 2011, and a second PhD degree in Oral Radiology, Aarhus University - Denmark, in 2015. In 2022, he was awarded a dr. odont. title in Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. Currently, he is an Associate professor at Aarhus University. He has published more than approximately a hundred and fifty peer-reviewed papers and is a key-opinion maker regarding artefacts in cone-beam computed tomography and dental-dedicated magnetic resonance imaging. He is the immediate past president of the European Academy of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology and is the coordinator of the "Diagnosis and Imaging" strategic research theme for Health, Aarhus University. He has been awarded the research awards of both the European Academy of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2014 and 2016) and of the International Association of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2017).
Research Fellow, ORH ACP
About the Speaker
Dr Charles Lau received his Bachelors in Applied Chemistry from the National University of Singapore in 2007.
After graduation, he worked in the biopharmaceutical industry for 5 years as a protein purification scientist in
Lonza Biologics PLC, United Kingdom, and as a manufacturing biotechnologist in Roche Singapore Technical
Operations. In 2012 he returned to academia, and 2 years later he received a Master in Industrial Chemistry from
the Technical University of Munich, Germany. In 2019, Charles graduated from NTU with a PhD in
Bioengineering, under the supervision of Professor Teoh Swee Hin. He is now part of the research team in the
SingHealth Duke-NUS Oral Health Academic Clinical Programme, working on biomaterials and animal models
for periodontal and oral-maxillofacial regeneration. His PhD work in NTU, which was a collaboration in NDCS,
won the best poster award in the Singapore General Hospital 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting in 2019.
Associate Dean, Faculty of Dentistry
Clinical Professor
Professor, Chair of Family Dentistry
Department & Institution
PhD, National Dental Centre Singapore
About the Speaker
Dr Zayim Razina obtained her doctorate in Bioengineering at the Nanyang Technological University. After
graduation, she joined National Dental Centre Singapore as a postdoctoral fellow to continue the development of a
minimally invasive microneedle technology for the purpose of achieving dental anaesthesia. Her key research interest
lies in developing innovations that can be translated towards improving patient experience and care. Dr Zayim Razina
has published high impact papers in internationally recognised journals and had received accolades for her work.
Department & Institution
Principal Investigator
National Dental Centre Singapore
About the Speaker
Fábio explores mechanisms linking oral and systemic diseases using approaches, from cell culture to clinical trials
and population-based registries. Collectively, his studies moved the oral inflammation field into the acknowledgement
of the synergy and accumulation of multiple causes (from local and systemic molecular factors to structural
His interest lies in exploring why people develop different phenotypes of oral inflammation. His master's focused on
tissue healing, plus clinical training in treating people with diabetes. His Ph.D. investigated common pathways of
Crohn's disease and periodontitis, including a stay at Prof. Richard Darveau's microbiology laboratory (University of
He collaborated in studies involving birth cohorts and spent a year at the Australian Research Centre for Population
Oral Health, University of Adelaide, to study common causes of systemic and oral inflammation.
Fábio held positions of trust, such as Head of Department, vice-president of an ethics committee, and executive and
research steering committee member in Brazil, Denmark and Singapore. He has published over 90 articles and 4 book
chapters, deposited patents, supervised over 30 masters and Ph.D. students, and secured multiple research grants.
According to ResearchGate, Fabio is among the top 4% in dentistry and periodontology.
Fábio's soft skills training encompasses leadership and communication.
Department & Institution
Principal Investigator
National Dental Centre Singapore
About the Speaker
Gustavo is a dentist with a PhD in Oral Epidemiology. He has a solid basis in epidemiology, with a focus on causal
inference from observational data. He has experience with birth cohort studies as well as large studies using
nationally representative registries.
Since 2013, Gustavo has published 130 peer-reviewed articles, served as a reviewer for 65 international journals,
collaborated with several universities across the world, and obtained more than SGD 1.5 million in grants in Brazil
and Denmark.
He currently serves as an editorial board member for the Journal of Dental Research, BMC Medical Research
Methodology, and Heliyon and as an associate editor for PLOS One, Scientific Reports, and Frontiers in Oral Health.
Gustavo's research focuses on different facets of periodontal epidemiology, which include methodological aspects of
periodontal research and the relationship between periodontitis and systemic diseases. He is also interested in the role
played by oral inflammation in the development of halitosis (bad breath) and the senses of smell and taste.
Current Designation
DDS, Senior Consultant in pediatric dentistry, PhD-Student
Department & Institution
Division of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Dental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
About the Speaker
Dr Ida Brännemo graduated as a dentist at Karolinska Institutet in 2009. In 2018 she completed her pediatric dentistry specialization at Karolinska Instutitet and is scheduled to finish her PhD in 2024.
Her research focus is on oral health in preschool children and prevention strategies in collaboration with the Child Health Services in Sweden to benefit oral and general health in young children. Her work includes coordination and implementation of clinical research projects as well as oral health education of parents and non-dental professional.
She is an appreciated lecturer and is often engaged to give lectures on her research topic, dental caries in preschool children.
Current Designation
Department & Institution
Singapore Biodesign
About the Speaker
Dr. Lee Phin Peng is the Deputy Programme Director for Singapore Biodesign, Deputy Director for the Medtech Control Tower, I&E;, A*STAR and adjunct Assistant Professor at the Duke-NUS Medical School. Dr Lee has been developing and driving innovation programmes at the national level with a focus on health and medtech.
Prior to his current role, Dr. Lee was the Principal Investigator for a pre-spinoff medtech project around cerebrovascular stroke monitoring and detection. He served in a joint appointment at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering and the Institute of High Performance Computing at A*STAR.
Dr. Lee has been invited to speak at numerous events, speaker panels and conferences. He is also an accomplished and certified adult educator - Dr. Lee has trained more than 600 researchers, healthcare professionals, and corporates in Design Thinking and the Biodesign methodology.
Dr. Lee holds a PhD in Bioengineering from the University of California, San Francisco - Berkeley and a BSc in Biomedical Engineering from Brown University. He completed his post-doctoral training at the Stanford School of Medicine under the Singapore-Stanford Biodesign Innovation Fellowship.
Current Designation
Professor/Senior dentist
Department & Institution
Department of Dental Medicine
Division of Oral Diagnostics and Rehabilitation
Oral Diagnostics and Surgery Unit
About the Speaker
Professor in Clinical Oral Physiology and Senior
Consultant. Head of the Division of Oral Diagnostics
and Rehabilitation. Clinical work at the Specialist
Clinic at the University Dental Clinic.
Malin Ernberg received her dental degree (DDS) at
Karolinska Institutet 1979 and received her Specialist
Diploma in Orofacial Pain/TMD in 1995. In 1999 she
defended her PhD thesis and in 2004 she was
appointed Associate Professor at KI. Between 2004
and 2006 she was guest researcher at the
Department of Orofacial Pain at Aarhus University,
Denmark during a total of 1 year. From 2009 to 2014
she had a 50% clinical research position financed by
the Swedish Research Council and was 2012
appointed Professor in Clinical Oral Physiology at KI.
During 2011 and 2012 she was the President of the
Neuroscience Group of the International Association
for Dental Research (IADR) and between 2013 to
2016 the President of the Swedish Pain Society, the
national chapter of the International Association for
the Study of Pain (IASP). At the same time she was
also a member of the European Pain Federation's
(EFIC) Council. Presently she is the President of the
European Academy of Orofacial Pain and
Dysfunction (EAOPD).
She has co-authored more than 120 original papers,
review papers and book chapters.
Current Designation
Department & Institution
Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Academic Vice Chair, Research, National Dental Centre Singapore;
Senior Principal Investigator, National Dental Research Institute Singapore, National Dental Centre Singapore;
Professor, Health Service and Systems Research Programme, Duke-NUS Medical School
About the Speaker
Marco A Peres is a Brazilian dentist with a PhD in Epidemiology. After almost 30 years working in Universities in Brazil and Australia Marco moved to Singapore in 2020. Currently, he is the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Academic Vice Chair, Research, National Dental Centre Singapore, Senior Principal Investigator, National Dental Research Institute Singapore, National Dental Centre Singapore, and Professor, Health Service and Systems Research Programme, Duke-NUS Medical School. Marcos leads the Singapore Oral Population Health Initiative. His research areas of interest include the effectiveness of oral health-related policies, health services research, big data linkage, oral health surveillance, fluorides, inequalities in oral health, global oral health, life course epidemiology and the relationship between oral health and general health. Marco was the President of the International Association for Dental Research Global Oral Health Inequalities Research Network (2021-2022) and he is a member of the Lancet Commission on Oral Health. Marco has been cited in a paper published in 2016 in Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology (doi: 10.1111/cdoe.12249) as the seventh most productive researcher in Public Health Dentistry in the world in the last half-century. Marco has been cited among the top 2% of scientists in the world in 2020 and 2021. He was the recipient of the 2017 International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Distinguished Scientist Award for Global Oral Health Research. Since 2002 Marco has had continuous funding grants from Brazilian, Australian and Singaporean agencies with 23 project grants over this period totalling over SG$ 25 million. Marco has supervised 40 postgraduate students, authored three books, 15 book chapters and almost 300 peer-reviewed papers. His work has received more than 23,000 citations and an H index of 83. Marco is the 2023 recipient of the prestigious NMRC Singapore Translational Research Investigator Award (STaR).
Current Designation
Department & Institution
H5 Department of Laboratory Medicine
About the Speaker
Professor in Clinical Oral Immunology. Research
Group Leader. Faculty Representative Research
Education Committee at Karolinska Institutet.
Margaret Sällberg Chen received her D.D.S. and
Ph.D. degrees from Karolinska Institutet. Following
postdoctoral trainings at The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA, where she developed T cell
receptor transgene models for immunological studies
of infection and cancer, she was recruited to the
former Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease
Control to study experimental vaccines and infection
immunology. She became full professor 2020 at KI.
She has published 90 scientific articles which have
been cited by around 4000 other studies. She has
active commitments on numerous scientific and
editorial board.
Current Designation
PhD, MSc, BDS, Grad Dip Psychotherapy, FAMS
About the Speaker
Dr. Adrian Yap is a Senior Consultant at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, National University Health System. He is an Adjunct/Honorary/Guest Professor at the Dental Schools of Peking and Trisakti University as well as the University of Hong Kong and Malaya. Additionally, he is a Clinical/Adjunct Assoc. Professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Duke-NUS Medical School. Dr. Yap obtained his PhD, BDS degree, and Graduate Diploma in Psychotherapy from NUS and MSc from the University of London. He has also received numerous clinical/service excellence, teaching, and research awards including the NUHS-Mochtar Riady Pinnacle Master Clinician Award. Dr. Yap is known for his expertise in Temporomandibular Disorders/Biomaterials and has authored more than 275 international refereed journal articles (Scopus H-index of 47), 750 conference/seminar papers, several book chapters, and patents in these areas. Dr. Yap serves on the editorial boards of many journals including the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Journal of Craniomandibular and Sleep Practice (CRANIO), Operative Dentistry, as well as Current Nanoscience.
Current Designation
Assistant Professor.
Department & Institution
Assistant Professor. Dr. Yu Na
National Dental Centre Singapore
Duke-NUS Medical School
About the Speaker
Dr Yu Na is a Senior Dental Surgeon at the National Dental Centre Singapore (NDCS) and Assistant Professor at the DUKE-NUS Medical School. Trained as a dentist and prosthodontist, she subsequently obtained her PhD in Medical Science at Faculty of Dentistry from Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands. She is the first dentist in Singapore to have obtained the Clinician-Scientist Award from the National Medical Research Council (NMRC). As director and theme lead of Medtech research for oral-health Academic Clinical Programme, much of her research work is focused on innovative workflows for digital dentistry of removable prosthesis, including digital processing, 3D printing of dental appliances, novel biomaterials and regenerative dentistry.
Current Designation
Associate Professor
Department & Institution
School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,
Nanyang Technological University
About the Speaker
Dr. Juha Song, is an Associate Professor, in the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), an active member of the Singapore Centre for 3D Printing (SC3DP). She has obtained her PhD in Materials Science and Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in 2011 with research focus on bioimimetics and biomechanics for an understanding of material design principles of natural exoskeleton systems. She did her post-doctoral training at Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology, Seoul National University, where she conducted research on development of hybrid biomaterials for dental, orthopedic, cardiovascular, and soft tissue implants, actively working with local biomedical companies. During 2014-2015, she was also a contract professor at Korea University, School of Biomedical Engineering. Her lab's research interests focus on experimental and theoretical investigations of natural and synthetic composite materials across all length scales, particularly in the field of biomimetic and bioinspired engineering, as well as biomedical engineering, covering various topics on nanomechanics, biomechanics, biomimetic design, 3D fabrication and prototyping, biomedical material design, synthesis, and evaluation.
Current Designation
Nanyang Assistant Professor
Nanyang Technological University
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
About the Speaker
Dr Le Ferrand Hortense graduated in 2012 from ESPCI Paris (France) with a Diplôme d'Ingénieur and a major in Physical Chemistry, and in 2013 and 2017 from ETH Zürich (Switzerland) with a MSc and a PhD in materials science, respectively. Following an outstanding PhD thesis award, a postdoctoral prize in 2018 and a research stay at Purdue University (USA), she joined Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) to research on biomimicry and biological materials as a postdoctoral fellow under a Swiss National Foundation Early Postdoc Mobility Fellowship. In January 2019, she became Assistant Professor in the schools of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). Hortense has an h-index of 19 with more than 1400 citations. She published in Nature Materials, Advanced Materials, Nature communications, PNAS, ACS Nano and more. She is recognized internationally and had given more than 10 invited talks worldwide. In 2020, she was awarded the prestigious National Research Foundation (NRF) Fellowship from Singapore to pursue research on the additive manufacturing of bioinspired composites. In 2023, Dr. Hortense was among the MIT innovators under 35, Europe list, for her 3D printed technologies to fabricate easily customisable and high-performance multifunctional materials. In 2023, she was also awarded a staff award from her school at NTU for her efforts in encouraging more Women to pursue studies and career in STEM disciplines.
Current Designation
MClinDent (OMFS), BDS, Fellowship in Oral and Maxillofacial Oncology and Reconstructive Surgery
About the Speaker
Dr. Kathreena Kadir is a Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Malaya (UM). She is also the head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Clinical Sciences at UM and the Department of Oral Maxillofacial, Universiti Malaya Medical Centre. She obtained her Master's in OMFS and BDS degree from the same university and completed her Fellowship in Oral and Maxillofacial Oncology and Reconstructive Surgery from 9th People's Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine. She is a member of Malaysia Academy of Medicine and has also held the post of Honorary Secretary for the Malaysian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (MAOMS) twice in the year 2015 and 2018. Her main surgical interest has been managing patients with head and neck oncology. While pursuing her subspecialty training, Dr. Kathreena developed a new passion in the management of patients with Temporomandibular Disorders. She was the team leader for the Malay language version of the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD) and since then pioneered the development of the first TMD multi-disciplinary team combined clinic in Malaysia. Dr. Kathreena is currently the lead researcher in TMD for Universiti Malaya.
Current Designation
About the Speaker
Dr. Phanomporn Vanichanon, an Assist. Professor, was the former head of Occlusion Department at Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. Dr. Vanichanon obtained her MSc degree from the University of Michigan. She is a member of the executive Thai board of Occlusion and Orofacial pain. She has been a special lecturer for many universities and conferences in Thailand. Dr. Vanichanon is also received teaching award from the faculty and an outstanding dentist award in the field of Occlusion and Orofacial pain from the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Thailand. Dr. Vanichanon is the team leader in DC-TMD Thai translation. Her research focuses on temporomandibular disorders, chronic orofacial pain, bruxism and dental occlusion.
Current Designation
About the Speaker
Dr. Jonathan Fandialan is an Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of the Philippines Manila where he is part of the team that established the first and only university-based Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and Orofacial Pain (OfP) Program in the country. The same team also maintains the first and free TMD and orofacial pain clinic in the same college of dentistry which caters to Filipinos from all walks of life. He is the founding member and secretary of the Orofacial Pain Association, Inc. which was organized specifically to uplift the level of education in TMD and OfP in the country and improve the delivery of service to patients. Dr Fandialan is part of the council of the Asian Academy of Orofacial Pain and TMD (previously the Asian Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders). He obtained his DMD degree from the University of the Philippines in 1998 and since then has attended TMD and OfP programs at the New York University, the University of Kentucky, and the Gruppo di Studio Italiano Dolore Orofacciale e Disordini Temporomandibulari in Italy. In 2019 he was the scientific chairman and the acting overall chairman of the 19th AAOT International Scientific Meeting held in the Philippines. Dr Fandialan has lectured all over the country promoting the biopsychosocial approach to treatment and management of the TMD and the use of the DC/TMD.
About the Speaker
Professor May CM Wong is Professor in Dental Public Health at the Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong (FoD, HKU). She teaches courses on biostatistics and clinical research methods to graduate and undergraduate students. Additionally, Professor Wong holds various leadership positions, including President of the Southeast Asian Division of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), Chairman of the Faculty Board and Director of the Clinical Research Centre at FOD, HKU. She is also a Senate member of HKU and serves as the Consulting Services Secretary of the Hong Kong Statistical Society.
Her research focuses on biostatistics, clinical trials, oral epidemiology, oral health promotion, and quality of life. She has been involved in nearly 30 funded research projects as the principal investigator or co-investigator. Professor Wong has contributed to the research community as an editor of the Cochrane Oral Health Group, Associate Editor of Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, and Statistical Consultant for Clinical Oral Implants Research. Her research work has been published in over 130 international peer-reviewed papers in reputable dental journals, such as the Journal of Dental Research.
Professor Wong has received numerous awards and honors, including the 2021 IADR Distinguished Scientist H. Trendley Dean Memorial Award which commends investigators with meritorious research in epidemiology and public health and is one of the highest honors bestowed by the IADR. She has also been recognized with the Faculty Outstanding Teacher Award and Research Output Prizes at HKU. Her research contributions have been acknowledged through awards received at international conferences and from journals. Professor Wong is frequently invited to speak at dental research meetings and forums, where she shares her expertise with fellow researchers.
Current Designation
Associate Professor
Department & Institution
Division of Dental Public Health, Department of Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
About the Speaker
Dr. Waranuch Pitiphat is Associate Professor and former Dean of Khon Kaen University Faculty of Dentistry in Thailand. She received DDS from Chulalongkorn University and MPHM from Mahidol University in Thailand, and later obtained MS and SD in Epidemiology from Harvard University, where she also completed Dental Public Health Residency in 2004. Dr. Pitiphat is a Diplomate of the Thai Board of Dental Public Health and has held leadership positions in several international and national organizations. She is Past President of the Asian Academy of Preventive Dentistry (AAPD) and the Thai Society of Public Health Dentistry, as well as former Honorary Secretary of the South East Asia Association for Dental Education (SEAADE). She is a member of the Board of Directors of DeRouen Center for Global Oral Health at the University of Washington, USA, and Distinguished Adjunct Faculty of Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, India.
Dr. Pitiphat is active in research particularly relating to the oral health-systemic disease link and epidemiology of oral diseases. Dr. Pitiphat has over 90 publications in peer-reviewed journals and has served in numerous editorial boards, including Journal of Dental Research (JDR), JDR-Clinical & Translational Research, and Oral Diseases. She has won several grants from both local and international agencies including the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). She currently serves as the Director of the NIH-funded program, "Clinical and Public Health Research Training in Oral Health for Southeast Asia", to provide clinical research training to faculty from dental schools across the region.
Current Designation
Vice Dean Research
Vice Dean Graduate Studies
Department & Institution
Faculty of Dentistry National University of Singapore
About the Speaker
Rosa is an Associate Professor at the NUS Faculty of Dentistry and Faculty at the NUS Centre for Advanced 2D Materials, studying the potential of graphene family materials for biomedical and dental applications. His first work in the field has shown that graphene coatings and scaffolds induce osteogenic differentiation and mineralization and elucidate the mechanosensitive pathways involved in such a phenomenon. Finally, Rosa uses graphene to physically delay the development of biofilms on titanium, giving this material a potential candidate to prevent infections of implants without using antibiotics. He has championed the development of clean engineering solutions to deposit graphene onto objects with complex shapes and sizes, like dental and orthopedic implants. The work performed by Rosa has a broad audience that includes primary, medical, and dental scientists and has been consistently published in premier periodicals like Nanotoxicology, 2D Materials, Carbon, Dental Materials, Journal of Dental Research, and others. He received the Academy of Dental Materials Student Award (2005), George C. Paffenbarger Student Research Award (2007), IADR Distinguished Scientist Award Young Investigator Award, and the IADR/DMG Stephen Bayne Mid-career Award (2021). In July 2023, Rosa became the Vice-President of the International Association for Dental Research Dental Materials Group (DMG). He is an associate editor for the Journal of Prosthodontics and an editorial board member for Dental Materials, Journal of Dental Research, Journal of Endodontics, JADA Foundational Science, and others.
Current Designation
Department & Institution
Division of Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry
Paediatric Dental Unit
About the Speaker
M.Sci - Stockholm University 1988
M.Med.Sc - Karolinska Institutet 1989
Ph.D - Karolinska Institutet 1999
Associate Professor - Karolinska Institutet 2007
Current Designation
PhD, BDS, Cert.Prosthodontics.
About the Speaker
Dr. Carolina Marpaung is a full-time lecturer at Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, where she supervises both clinical and research students. After finishing her residency in prosthodontics from Universitas Indonesia in 2003, she pursued a 3-year-clinical post-grad program on Oral Kinesiology at Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA). Her training included Oral function, Orofacial pain, and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. She got her PhD degree from the University of Amsterdam under the supervision of Prof Frank Lobbezoo with a thesis on TMD and Bruxism in Children. Dr. Marpaung is an active council member of the Asian Academy of Orofacial Pain and TMD (AAOT).
Current Designation
Modern Dental Laboratory Professor in Clinical Dental Science
and Professor of Periodontology
Department & Institution
Division of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry,
Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
About the Speaker
Prof. L.J. Jin, DDS, MMedSc, PhD, Odont Dr (Karolinska Inst.), FICD, FDS RCS ad hominem (Edinburgh)
Lijian Jin is the Modern Dental Laboratory Professor in Clinical Dental Science and Professor of Periodontology at the HKU Faculty of Dentistry. He joined HKU in 1994. His leadership services and academic engagement include FDI Councillor (2015-2021), Chair of FDI Global Periodontal Health Project Task Team (2016-2021) and FDI Science Committee Chairman (2012-2015); Member of IADR Board of Directors (2018-2021), President of IADR-Asia Pacific Region (2019.12-2020) and Chair of IADR-Task Group in Periodontal Disease-GOHIRA (2009-2012); Board Member of International Academy of Periodontology (2012-); President of Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology (2011-2013); and editorial/advisory board members of J Clin Periodontol (2011-), J Periodont Res (2007), J Periodontol (2006-2023) and JDR (2010-2015). He has received 10 GRF grants (PI) from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, and his team has obtained multiple international prizes. Prof. Jin has primarily supervised the research projects for over 40 postgraduates, delivered 232 invited lectures nationally/internationally, and published 276 journal papers/book chapters.
Current Designation
Professor and Dean
Department & Institution
Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore
About the Speaker
Chris Peck is a senior clinical academic who has led national and international clinical, education and research activities in interdisciplinary pain management. His applied research has been both nationally and internationally collaborative, funded by competitive grants and has resulted in changes to clinical practice that directly benefits patients and the broader community. This includes development of consensus-based diagnostic criteria for orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders, discovering underlying mechanisms for orofacial pain, and understanding the structure-function relationships of the human jaw system. He is currently Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore, and previous roles included leading the academic strategy for one of Australia's largest health precincts; Dean of Dentistry at the University of Sydney and Chair of Board of Directors, Australian Dental Council.
Current Designation
Laureate Professor
Department & Institution
Centre for Oral Health Research, Melbourne Dental School
The University of Melbourne
About the Speaker
Laureate Professor Eric Reynolds AO is Chief Executive Officer and Research Director of the Oral Health Research Centre at the Melbourne Dental School, the University of Melbourne. For 16 years until 2015 Eric was Head of the Melbourne Dental School. He has lectured and published extensively and has chaired and participated in a wide range of professional committees and panels. He has over 400 scientific papers, 15 book chapters and 34 patents. High impact journals include Nature, Nature Microbiology, Science Advances and others. His current H-index is 98 with 33,908 citations. Eric has supervised over 70 BSc(Hons), BDentStud, MDSc, DClinDent and PhD students to completion. He established the Australian Centre for Oral Health Research in 2003 which is now an internationally recognized research centre focusing on the major oral diseases. He has attracted over $120 million in research funding with $21.2 million from 2020 to 2023 as Chief Investigator. Eric was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia for his service to community dental health in 2005. He received the Clunies Ross National Science and Technology award in 2002 and the Victoria Prize for Science in 2005. In 2011 he received the Distinguished Scientist Award from the International Association for Dental Research, and in 2015 the Leach Medal for research excellence and the Global Health Impact Award from the University of Melbourne. In 2016 he received the Award of Merit from the Australian Dental Association and in 2017 the Prime Minister's Prize for Science Innovation. In 2019 he was elected Vice-President of the International Association for Dental Research and became President in July 2021. In 2020 he received the European Organisation for Caries Research Prize for outstanding scientific contribution and the American Academy of Periodontology Clinical Research Award.
Current Designation
Director of the Duke-NUS Center for Outbreak Preparedness (COP) and the Deputy Director of the SingHealth Duke-NUS Global health Institute.
Department & Institution
Duke-NUS Medical School and SingHealth
About the Speaker
Dr Pronyk is an infectious disease and public health specialist, with over two decades of experience in supporting health systems strengthening efforts in low and middle-income countries. Through his work at Duke-NUS and SingHealth, he currently supports research and training efforts across 14 countries in Asia. Prior to being in Singapore, Dr Pronyk held senior positions at UNICEF including supporting child health programs in Indonesia, the Ebola response in Sierra Leone, and led for the UN Commission on Life Saving Commodities facilitated health system support in 23 countries in Africa and Asia. He has also directed cross-sectoral research programs for Columbia University and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Current Designation
Editor-in-Chief, Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology
Department & Institution
School of Clinical Dentistry
University of Sheffield, UK
About the Speaker
Professor Sarah R Baker, PhD, holds a Chair in Psychology as applied to Dentistry at the School of Clinical Dentistry, University of Sheffield, UK. She is Past President of the Behavioural, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research group of the International Association of Dental Research. Professor Baker has an Honorary Professorship at University College London, is a Fellow of the College of General Dentistry, and a Chartered Psychologist of the British Psychological Society.
Professor Baker has been the Editor-in-Chief of the international flagship journal Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology since June 2021, and was Associate Editor from 2011-2021. She also sits on the Editorial Boards of the journals, Evidence-Based Dentistry and Community Dental Health. She has published over 250 peer-reviewed publications, and received over £8 million in funding from research councils, charities and industry. She collaborates with dental and social science researchers across the world in a wide range of areas in the oral health field including dental public health, periodontal disease, children's oral health, dental anxiety, dry mouth, dentine hypersensitivity, gerodontology, dental caries, systems science, behaviour change, and implementation science.
Professor Baker has received many awards for her contributions to social and behavioural sciences in dentistry. Most recently, she was the 2018 recipient of the International Association of Dental Research Distinguished Scientist Award for Behavioural, Epidemiologic and Health Services Research, and has received the IADR Giddon Award for best paper in Behavioural, Epidemiological and Health Services Research in 2013, 2016 and 2022.
Current Designation
Professor of Oral Rehabilitation
Director, Oral Health Research Centre
Department & Institution
University College Cork, Ireland
About the Speaker
Finbarr Allen graduated from National University of Ireland in 1988 and is currently Professor of Prosthodontics and Oral Rehabilitation and Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at Cork Dental School and Hospital, Ireland.
He worked in general dental practice in Oxfordshire, UK prior to completing a Masters degree in Restorative Dentistry [Prosthodontics] at the University of Manchester, UK. He was awarded FDS by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 1995. He completed higher specialist training in Restorative Dentistry and a PhD whilst a Lecturer/Senior Registrar in Restorative Dentistry at Newcastle University and the Northern Region Hospitals Trust in the UK. He was awarded the intercollegiate specialty fellowship by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in 2000. From 2001-2008, he was Senior Lecturer/Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at Cork Dental School and Hospital, Ireland and was appointed Professor of Prosthodontics and Oral Rehabilitation at University College Cork in 2008. He was Dean of Dentistry from 2006 until 2013. From 2016-2022 he was Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry National University of Singapore and Director of the National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore and a Senior Consultant at the National University Hospital, Singapore.
His research interests are in geriatric oral health research (clinical trials, functional assessment), quality of life methodology and, health service research and has received over $6 million in research grants. To date, he has published > 250 peer reviewed papers, research abstracts/reports and is the author of 3 textbooks and twelve book chapters. He has served on numerous editorial boards and expert review panels.
He received a Distinguished Scientist Award from the International Association for Dental Research in 2011 for achievement in geriatric oral health research and the IADR/Unilever Social Entrepreneur Approach to Change Oral Health Behaviour Research Award, 2014.